
What do you teach in Using the Batt Machine?

1 ~ Full Drum Carder... also known as, Drum Carding for Spinners and Felters.

Have a drum carder but find it unapproachable? Want to try out some new carding techniques but not sure where to start? Bring your drum carder and learn how to make terrific batts and roving for your next spinning or felting project.

You need to bring: your own drum carder, doffer pin and cleaning brush, notepad and pen.

Taught at Oregon Flock and Fiber, September 2008. For a great set of pictures, see them on my flickr set Get Batty.

We’ll start with basic drum carding of a clean batt of wool, then move on to fiber blends, color blends, texture blends, and self-striping batts.

Bring any fibers you’d like advice with or to share.

Class and materials fee (taught directly): $40. Fees at shows depend on the show's basis.

Participants need to bring their own drum carder. If you have additional tools for your carder, bring them -- doffer pin, cleaning brush or flicker, seasoning brush or handcarder.

See my full list of workshops here. This workshop is great to combine with a half-day workshop on Spinning Batts for a full day workshop.

Let's get Batty!


  1. I would love a place on the course, isn't it time you started a virtual batt course for us overseas visitors!!

  2. If only the class fee included airfare from NY....

  3. For those wanting the self-study, I recommend: Rexenne's videos on drum carding on youTube along with the books Color in Spinning by Deb Menz and The Ashford Book of Carding by Jo Reeve.

  4. I've just posted photos for and from the Oregon Flock and Fiber 2008 class on my flickr, see the set Get Batty.


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