The nice thing about angora is how warm(ing) it is. I made a pair of wrist-hand warmers with a slit for the thumb on the side out of angora, and it really helped my wrists -- my hands get really cold when I type!
Another nice benefit to all that warmth is that even in lace, it still provides some warmth; so if you want to make an angora sweater, I'd do a very open lace and plan to wear it over something (oooh like a silk blouse). Though, after a while, the angora may shed a bit -- my 2yo alpaca/angora crochet scarf is now leaving bits on my jacket (sigh). So be sure to whack the skeins on the countertop 5 or 6 times (or more!) when you finish washing them, to ensure a good "grip" on the fibers in the yarn.
My other angora project was a small neckwarmer -- the kind with a keyhole slot to draw the other end through. And I saw a neat small neck-scarf just the other day here that simply buttoned or was pinned, to be kept close to the neck. A great 2-3 ounce project :-)
(posted by me on spindlers, this day)