I have the new site up and functional, but it has (as of this writing) only 41 of the 900+ items from the old website so far. Hey, I hear you laughing! Actually, it's not quite that bad -- first off, I found at least 5 typos and 1 dead email address on those 35 items (sheesh) and secondly, some of the 900 are old items that were removed from the website but not deleted from the server. The big fleece sale 2 years ago, for example.

Your input on the new website is welcome. Why am I changing, you ask? Because this tool is less expensive (_much_) than the Yahoo services. It also has the benefit of giving the shop a thorough spring cleaning!
Be looking for close-outs to be listed on eBay rather than show up on the new website. My eBay User ID is amelia.garripoli. My goal is to post/update 5 items a day -- either in the new shop, on eBay, or Spin-Sales on Yahoo! Groups. This process is also a paring down -- my focus moving forward is spindles, fine fibers, spinning tools, and nalbinding supplies; you'll be able to get close-out prices on weaving and knitting tools, some knitting pattern lines, and most of the non-spinning/nalbinding books. Feel free to email me an offer now if there's something you don't want to wait for!
(PS: I know the old webstore has many underlying URLS of the form store.carlsonwoollies.com -- that will end up being defunct, so if you have bookmarked pages, they may end up 404ing on you -- I apologize! I plan to capture as many of the published thebellwether.com URLs as I can and set up forwards, but I just don't know yet if the carlsonwoollies.com URLs will be something I can catch -- it all depends on how Yahoo handles store "closings". Keep your fingers crossed, and comment or mail in suggestions. You will notice in the new webstore that the shopping cart currently uses the host's URL for SSL, camelot-hosting, and my account name, poetread -- it's all "me"!)
And breaking news ... I'm selling a few of my gently-used spinning wheels! A Majacraft Little Gem ($400+ship) and a Schacht Matchless Double Treadle with everything -- Woolee Winder, High Speed and Extra High Speed whorls and bobbins ($800 + how-do-you-ship-something-this-big??) [sold, many thanks!]
Whew! what a busy bee, all this website work makes me! More to come ... feedback and questions always appreciated!