9. Eating a Van Dyke's ice cream cone every day (almost) is a sure way to gain 10 pounds on your summer vacation. That, and the Italian birthday party for Grandpa Zac. Who knew there'd be, like, four entree courses?? and two desserts???
8. Winding your two cakes of singles from your Turkish spindle into one 2-strand ball is the best way to manage the yarn for car plying.

6. Leaving yarn on a spindle is almost impossible for me. Bring on the portable niddy-noddy!

5. Knitting is a good way to relax my hands and arms from car spindling.
4. Stitch markers are important to remember - thank goodness I did!

2. For knitting in the round, magic loop ... if the round starts with a knit stitch, bring the yarn up so it won't get hung up in the loop; if the round starts with a purl stitch, bring the yarn down so it won't get hung up in the loop. Once I figured that out, the knitting was alot more fun!

0. (bonus!) Good things come to those who wait ... my new Pocket Wheel was ready to be picked up by the time I returned (ordered in April ... I hear the wait is 6 months now).
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What did you learn on your summer vacation? Bonus points for knitterly or spinnerly things learned!!