Spring is in the air, and workshops and fiber shows are ramping up as the sheep get shorn. Along with that, I have many upcoming workshops to share with you -- look for me in your neck of the woods!
- March 26 -- Learn to Spin on a Spindle at A Dropped Stitch in Sequim.
- April 8 -- drum carding demonstration at Arachne Guild
- April 10 -- presentation of spinning durable yarns, "What Makes a Good Sock?", for the Whidbey Spin-In
- April 11 -- hands-on workshop, Spinning Colorful Sock Yarn, at the Whidbey Spin-In
- April 17 -- Drum Carding A to Z, drum carders provided (we'll be sharing -- if you have one and can, bring it), at the Shepherd's Extravaganza in Puyallup (10am-1pm)
- April 17 -- Spinning Super Sock Yarn, for wheel or spindle: covers territory beyond the Colorful Sock Yarn class, at the Shepherd's Extravaganza in Puyallup (2pm-5pm) (sign up forms for the Shepherd's Extravaganza classes are here.)
- April 19 -- Buying and Selling on eBay and Amazon (okay, this goes beyond fiber arts...), at the Port Angeles library, 7pm-9pm
- June 4 & 5, the NwRSA Conference: Spindling Exotic Fibers, Cotton on the Akha Spindle, Core Spinning (on the wheel), Spinning Slippery Fibers (on the wheel, spindles welcome)
- June 8, Moonspinner's Guild, workshop: Plying your Way to New Yarns (on a wheel).
© March 20, 2010 by Ask The Bellwether, posted at http://askthebellwether.com/blog