
News from The Bellwether, 18 April 2007.

Now that we've all filed our taxes (or extensions!) it's great to be back online. I've listed several new yummies for you:

Forrester One-Yard Niddy Noddies: these are lovely maple niddies with inlaid leopardstone cabochons -- ooooh! $45.95.

Crosspatch Creations Triple-Play Roving in a new colorway, I'll Wear Purple -- ooooooh, time to express your inner purple! $16.50/4 oz.

Crosspatch Creations Triple-Play Roving in a one-time colorway, Little Lassie celebrating Joan's rescue sheltie! $16.50/4 oz.

Two new colors from Three Bags Full: Flight of the Dragonfly and Winter Sunrise. Lovely! $16.50/4 oz.

There is more to come, but I've a few other commitments (Little League season is starting up) so those will be up next week!

Upcoming shows: I'll be teaching sock yarn dyeing at an antique sock machine knitting retreat in Lacey the last weekend in April; then the big shows are in June: NwRSA at C'our d'Alene Idaho and Black Sheep Gathering in Eugene Oregon. If you see me there, be sure to say "hi!"

Let me know what you think of the new niddy and colorways with comments or emails! Enjoy!