Now me, I'll try anything ... so really, "plain" just means I don't have it on my radar yet!
Garter stitch
Knitting with metal wire
Shawl ... and I'd really love to knit a really big one in the future!
Stockinette stitch
Socks: top-down
Socks: toe-up
Knitting with camel yarn (do I get triple points for spindle-spinning it, too?)
Mittens: Cuff-up and may I have double points for doing one pair double knitting, and one pair tvandsticking (twisted knitting)?
Mittens: Tip-down
Hat (this should really be in 20 point type -- I think hats are my favorite things to knit!)
Knitting with silk ... lots of silk blends, though!
Moebius band knitting
Participating in a KAL
Sweater (did three as a teen -- none as an adult, yet, but I will!)
Drop stitch patterns ... I keep trying this, don't like the look!
Knitting with recycled/secondhand yarn (does trying count? the cashmere kept breaking!)
Slip stitch patterns
Knitting with banana fiber yarn
Domino knitting (=modular knitting)
Twisted stitch patterns
Knitting with bamboo yarn
Two end knitting
Charity knitting
Knitting with soy yarn
Cardigan (Bohus Large Lace Collar Jacket on this page ... aaahh)
Toy/doll clothing
Knitting with circular needles
Baby items
Knitting with your own handspun yarn
Graffiti knitting
Continental knitting
Designing knitted garments
Cable stitch patterns (incl. Aran)
Lace patterns
Publishing a knitting book ... how about 2 patterns, published by Fiber Trends, and 1 by Crosspatch Creations?
Teaching a child to knit
American/English knitting (as opposed to continental)
Knitting to make money
Button holes
Knitting with alpaca
Fair Isle knitting
Norwegian knitting
Dying with plant colours
Knitting items for a wedding
Household items (dishcloths, washcloths, tea cosies…)
Knitting socks (or other small tubular items) on one or two circulars
Knitting with someone else’s handspun yarn (waay too often considering I spin too!)
Knitting with dpns
Holiday related knitting
Teaching a male how to knit (sons count, right?)
Knitting for a living
Knitting with cotton
Knitting smocking
Dying yarn
Knitting art
Knitting two socks on two circulars simultaneously
Knitting with wool
Textured knitting
Kitchener BO
Knitting with beads
Long Tail CO
Knitting and purling backwards
Machine knitting ... yes if sock machines count!
Knitting with self patterning/self striping/variegating yarn
Stuffed toys
Baby items
Knitting with cashmere ... triple points for spinning it too, right?
Darning ... my favorite socks just had darning #9 :-)
Knitting with synthetic yarn
Writing a pattern
Knitting with linen
Knitting for preemies
Tubular CO
Freeform knitting
Short rows
Cuffs/fingerless mits/armwarmers
Pillows (the one in the picture ... for my mother! and the other pillow I've knit was entrelac with a hooked rose on the other side)
Knitting a pattern from an online knitting magazine ... one of those Knitty ones, someday!
Knitting on a loom ... does one of the i-cord looms count? LOL.
Thrummed knitting
Knitting a gift
Knitting for pets
Knitting with dog/cat hair
Hair accessories .. no plans, but a daughter with long hair, so that may change!
Knitting in public
What have you learned to do that has marked a definite change in your knitting life? Elizabeth Zimmermann's philosophy that you don't need to blindly follow patterns. That really freed me!
Want to join the meme? Take the list and post it on your blog with your own remarks, bolds, and italics!