Woo-Hoo! The Bellwether is so pleased to let you know we're all comfy in our new digs at thebellwether.biz!
In thanks of all your patience for my extended move, I have a move-in special! On the new website only, through September 30th, 2007, use the coupon code "move-in-special" and receive 10% off of your items ordered.

I'm in the process (meaning, the Internet has to propagate it, I did my part now it's up to all those 0's and 1's!) of redirecting www.thebellwether.com to take you to the new website. So, if you have a bookmark and it's not taking you there, give it a day -- but in the meantime, be sure to check out all the new goodies and the new layout at www.thebellwether.biz!
And don't forget to use your coupon (good through September 30th): move-in-special!
I'd love feedback on the new store ... see the comments on this post for a few tips already emailed by helpful early shoppers!