Yay! I am enjoying the new website, I hope you are too. The most recently listed items include
- Forrester's gorgeous leopardstone cabochon Niddy-Noddy in my favorite, one-yard skein, size
- a whole collection of new Jenkins Turkish Spindles, in Kingwood, Bolivian Rosewood, even Pink Ivorywood (woot!) as well as restocking Purpleheart and others
- Forrester's lovely Angel Wings lap bowl (Kokovoko's is now listed too!)
- The remaining Laceweight Spin-Dizzies (these may be the last of their kind!)
- The *last* Spin-Dizzy Traveller of the year!
There are fun gizmos I plan to add behind the scenes to enrich your shopping experience, so be sure to keep your eyes open for new shopping features.
Did you know, you, the shopper, can use Paypal for your credit card payment at The Bellwether, even without a Paypal account?

There is one thing -- if you already have the card registered with a Paypal account, their system will require you to sign in to Yahoo to use that card. But if you don't want a Paypal account, this is a way to use your credit card without it!
Be sure to see Ask The Bellwether's homepage for these recent posts:
# How do you wind on a nostepinne?
# How do I stop the fiber from matting in my hand?
# How do I pick a drive ratio to spin a specific yarn?
# What is Needlefelting?
# What advice do you have for spinning mohair?
# What is a bead spindle?
Your questions are always welcome -- keep 'em coming!
Thanks for shopping at The Bellwether!