Is Spin-Off Worth Getting? (Contest!!)

Ah Spin-Off. Despite the fact that there are now two on-line spinning 'zines and a spinning section in, I still get excited when I see it in my mailbox, and read it front-to-back and then back-to-front. I get almost as much fun out of reading the ads as the articles, LOL. Always fun to find new stuff for my spindles.

Thanks for all the entries, readers! The Spin-Off winner was selected (see the comments) and she's enjoying her issue now!

The magazine typically has articles on a fiber-bearing animal or plant, projects with handspun, galleries of readers' work, and technique articles on all things spinning. There's not an issue I haven't enjoyed, including the back-issues I bought once I fell in love with it. The indexes are great, I've used these as a reference many times.

Book CoverFor Spindlers, they've collected 20 years of handspindle articles in A Handspindle Treasury, a terrific resource on spindle types and spindling methods. I'm hoping they consider doing a new edition with all the great spindling articles since this came out (grin).

The Interweave Spin-off website is also fast becoming a favorite resource of mine, as they post projects and tips straight from the magazine there from time to time as well as expanded projects they couldn't squeeze into the print page.


The online Magazines: - click on "knittyspin" in the title bar for the spinning articles
Fiber Femmes Magazine
Spindlicity - new issue coming November 1! I hope!


Not sure? Post a comment here, and I just might mail you my spare copy of the Fall 2007 Issue of Spin-Off! (somehow I ended up with two! spread the joy!). Deal is, I only have one spare copy ... so I'll wait until November 2 (that's this Friday) and pick randomly from the comments. Be sure to give me a way to reach you -- link to your blog or website if you don't want to put your email in the comment or don't have it available on your blogger profile. Yes Vicki, I'm feeling generous ... I'll even mail it overseas if the randomizer picks someone over water from me.

Know of another online spinning magazine? Let me know in the comments or contact me. I always love a good read!