Meme: Nice Matters: Nice Tips!

Leigh recently gifted me with this lovely award!

The Nice Matters Award

"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded, please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award."

Wow! I am very glad to be reaching blog-folk with the things I have to say, and very impressed that Leigh felt it worthy of this. I got to pat myself on the back recently for a milestone at The Bellwether, too -- Spindling: The Basics has now sold 600 copies! WOOT!

For my "seven", I'd like to point you to the seven most recent entires in my SpinTips feed - the list has seven more, times ten! These are blog entries or websites that taught me something fiber-licious, inspired me, or made me smile!
Now, not all of these are blogs, so they can't all carry the meme forward; but I hope you enjoy them as much as I do -- if so, subscribe to SpinTips to keep up with my findings, and let me know if you find a great website for me to add!