Yes, those are Forrester Russian and Ahka spindles! Once the lovely Caroline has made her pick (she asked, and got me to get this done, so trust me, she deserves first pick for her persistence!) these lovelies, less a couple, will be up for the taking. Yay! Thanks due to Caroline!
To see all the new listings, visit New Products. And for restocking of current products, check out Featured Products!
Next up will be some lovely Shetland spinning kits -- great gift for yourself or your favorite spinner, and the latest Crosspatch colors.
If there's a Crosspatch Creations or Three Bags Full color you'd like to see again next year, please contact me; Joan and Diana are currently planning their dye pots for the next shearing, and welcome input. I've put in my request for Sapphire Meadows and Black Opal - what are your favorites?
Be sure to check out the full blog if you subscribe only to the newsletter -- I've been plugging away at a variety of questions, including:
* How can I spin a Noro-like yarn?
* Where is my niddy-noddy?
* How can I design my own knit dishcloth?
* Is Spin-Off Worth Getting?
* How do you take care of your spindles?
and more!
Your questions and comments on the blog and the store are always welcome. Post them on the blog or contact me. Thanks!