Meme: Spinning Resolutions 2008

Ahhh, vacation's over, time to get back to the blog! But let me ease back in with an "easy" meme for me and for you!

What I hope to accomplish in fiberland in 2008 ...

Traveller in ToteFinish my "bus spindling" that I do when I take the kids to their bus stop and back; granted, in colder months, it becomes my "waiting in line" spindling.

Silk SpindlesMake progress on my (stalled again) silk spindling ... perhaps I can finish the yarn in 2008 and then do the embroidery on my shawl in 2009.

Loop yarn being blockedComplete the pluckyfluff study group ... we're about 2/3 of the way through the book now, been meeting for 14 months, so we may finish this year!

Figure out how stash trading works on ravelry, so I can move out some of my store yarn in favor of my growing stash of handspun ;-)

On the loomWeaving! Finish the yardage for the undulating twill, and if I expect to "keep up" with the weaving study group, at least one basketweave scarf.

Revisit old projects and play with them a bit -- alpaca fingerless gloves, the newest old project: a mohair lace scarf, the handspun/handknit socks, I'm sure there's more!

First Argyle Diamond on Sock Machine (as knitting view)Replace some of my (3 pairs!) wearing out socks with newly cranked ones ... and hopefully make my mom a pair of fingerless gloves on the sock machine too, with some lovely Debbly Bliss Cashmerino.

Do you have some spinning resolutions? link them back to this post, or put yours in the comments here. Let's spin through 2008!