Meme: You Make My Day!

The Blogosphere is full of really interesting, fun blogs to read. Between that, ravelry, flickr, and Yahoo groups, I could stay quite busy! So, I keep my own blog fairly focused (as you know, since you read it! (waves!!))

Abby gave me a You Make My Day award this past Monday; not because of my blog, mind you -- have you read hers? she has (a) a far more interesting childhood and (b) knows so much about spinning I'd gladly sign up for a class from her. We refer to each other as our Evil Twin (with a big grin!) ... because she "ran" into me after my own enforced absence from the internet for a few months -- turned out she'd discovered my neck of the internet while I was away, and she'd been filling my shoes. Yay! It makes me feel much better knowing I can skip out on the groups I try to support if I need to. And despite our wildly different childhoods, we have so much in common it can be scary sometimes! So, Abby, You Make My Day, Too!!

So here are the rules: Give the award to up to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel so happy about blogland! Beware! You may get the award several times! Let them know by posting a note on their blog so they can pass it on.

Here is a list of some of the blogs that make me happy and make my day! I wish I could put my whole subscription list here, but y'all wouldn't bear with me through the 200+ blogs (grin).

Y'all know from past pass-the-love awards that there are a few more spinning blogs I frequent as well. But, there are more! With my entry into Ravelry, I've found pointers to other interesting (to me!) spinning blogs: Hello Yarn, The Redhead, and Boogie Knits all touch on educational topics and spread the wealth of their knowledge to others. So, ladies, You Make My Day!

Then there are the sheep-as-art postings on Habetrot -- when she has a new post, I fall over myself clicking through to see it. And the sheep breed thread on sheepwreck -- same thing. And the sheep of the century himself, Benny -- if you haven't read his blog, get on it! Those three blogs may not post every day, but when they do, They Make My Day!

I wanted to concentrate on new blogs for you -- but two (three, counting Abby's Yarns!) are very valuable to me: Leigh's Fiber Journal and Spinning Spider Jenny are terrific spinning blogs. Leigh also dives into weaving, which is something I'm trying to pursue more in 2008. But eLoomanator has recently re-acquainted me with my weavette, and SimpleKnits has me hunting for small patterns ... so I will enjoy Leigh's weaving and keep trying to carve out time for my own around smaller pursuits. There you go -- four more bloggers that Make My Day!

And here's to you, dear readers -- thanks for making Ask The Bellwether a part of your day! You Make My Day!