What do you teach in Spinny Gritty?

Handspun Sample CardHave a handle on your spinning and want to take it up a notch? This will beef up your technical background in spinning. $20 per session, up to 12 students, 2-3 hours depending on class size.

Skill needed: ability to spin a steady single and basic plying.

You need to bring: wheel, 2 empty bobbins, niddy-noddy, lazy kate, ball winder or nostepinne (if you have one), scissors, pencil/pen, notecards to save samples on; contact me if you need me to bring extras.

Also, bring yarns you want to dissect or copy, and fibers you want advice on.

Being taught next: February 25, 10:30-12:00 at A Dropped Stitch in Sequim.
  • Understanding wraps per inch singles -> plied
  • Your Wheel's Ratio and What It Means
  • Crimp, WPI, TPI, twist angle, grist, ...
  • Worsted and Woolen
  • Spinning from the fold
  • Repeatable yarn, consistent yarn
  • Dissecting commercial yarn
  • Correcting yarn

Funnily enough, this session is the one that interested my Creative Spinning students the most. Perhaps they simply like the sensation of their brains melting? We are all a bit glazed over by the end of this one!