What on-line resources are there for Rigid Heddle weaving?

By Amelia

Mad asked me in an email if I knew of one source or link page for all known rigid heddle articles. I didn't know of one, so I started one ...

The Rigid Heddle, a TumbleLog

Whenever I run across a new Rigid Heddle resource or article on the internet, I'll add it to the list -- you can subscribe to it for updates. I've stuffed what I've found so far on it, a nice collection of articles by Schacht, Ashford, WeaveZine, my own RH blog posts, and others -- dig in!

Found a site yourself? Let me know. I’d love to add it!

posted 17 April 2009 at http://askthebellwether.blogspot.com/


junie said...

Thank you so much for creating this resource, Amelia! You are a godsend to rigid heddle weavers---especially beginning ones such as me.

Janet said...

Oh boy! Just what I need - I've been polling my readers and asking folks on WeaveZine for their input on my quest to buy a rigid heddle. The response has been great but it sure would help to have a one-stop shop for all kinds of RH intel. Thanks for starting one up!

Madeleine said...

Hey Amelia,

I just got back here and found your new RH source page. AWESOME! Thanks for taking up my suggestion :). After I get thru all 6 pages I'll see if I have any new info in my bookmarks to add to yours.
MAD aka Madeleine