Indulge me ... this is the last (for now...) of the series of posts looking in weaving books for rigid heddle-able patterns. I needed to clear my plate/fill my memory with these three books to better enable my childrens' weaving. Next up on my weaving posts will be the aid I've been asked for, on reading multi-harness weaving drafts and figuring out if or how to do them on the rigid heddle loom (I've been thinking about it, and realize it will take a few posts!)
On to Color-and-Weave
Now this book is out on CD, with color offered too - so you can decide which you like.
But, on to the list of 2-harness patterns in this book:
p. 18-29, plain weave color sequences -- it's amazing what sorts of patterns you can get just by changing which warp threads and which weft threads are which colors. Horizontal stripes, vertical stripes, herringbone, and on from there -- 6 variations on a page, that's 72 different designs right there!
p. 134 shows how varying the repeat in the weft makes 4 interesting patterns
p. 138 shows how varying the repeat in the warp makes 6 interesting patterns
p. 148 Log cabin, that cool weave-in-weave look we've seen in the other books as well.
p. 177 shows how weft-faced weave can be used for vertical or horizontal stripes. Wow. My son likes the vertical stripes -- perhaps we'll use them in his next project.
This is a fun book that gives you a new way to look at using not only weave structure but color to define your fabric. With 86 designs using plain weave, and so many more for a variety of twills, rosepath, and more it is a great book to start exploring color with no matter where you are along the weaving path.
Margaret Windeknecht also has written Color-and-weave II
posted 26 January 2009 at http://askthebellwether.blogspot.com/