How do you wind on a Turkish Spindle?

Traveller in Tote You can wind onto a Turkish spindle however you like! But if you want advice, or need a pointer, then read on.

The goal is to make a tidy ball of yarn that keeps the spindle balanced and is ready for plying, storage, or skeining, as appropriate.

The really simple mantra I didn't learn for Turkish wind-on is: over 2, under 1. This isn't, topologically, speaking, a ball -- it's a ring. But, Wool Being Wool, it works -- the wool hangs onto strands below, and it all hangs together. It also has the nice feature of having a flat bottom, so it sits nicely and behaves while you're pulling the center out for 2-plying a center-pull ball.

Okay, but I didn't learn that. Instead, I used my childhood ball-winding skills. My mother still winds all her balls by hand, has never had a ball-winder or nostepinne and wouldn't use one if I gave it to her! She enjoys the rhythm of hand-winding a ball. Her balls are perfect, round orbs, not too tight and not too loose. It took me 40 years to make pastry anywhere close to flakey like hers. When I'm not spinning balls on my Turkish spindle, I use my ball winder!

Pictures being more concise, this is what I do:

Turkish Spindle wind-on, top viewTurkish Spindle wind-on, bottom-view

I like this wind-on: left and right of the center pole, around and around, then change direction 90-degrees and go around and around that way for a while.

The bottom view (as you can see) looks the same as the top view.

And, I barber-pole my yarn up the shaft so I can thigh-roll my Turkish spindle if I want to, too ;-)

The completed yarn cake? Here you go:

Traveller Turkish Spindle and its Yarn CakeAhhh -- a full spindle -- oops, time to ply ;-)

My Turkish (a Spin-Dizzy Traveller), just emptied of its ball of yarn. I'd "just" ply this right back on but decided to spin another ball full and ply the two together, for a change.

By some odd quirk of fate, spindle and yarn-cake weigh in the same: both are 0.9 ounces.

Now, if someone can point me to an on-line survey tool, I'll fire up a survey -- until then, put your answer in a comment here or email me -- how do you wind onto your Turkish spindle? the ball shown here, the over-2/under-1, or some other way? Thanks for sharing!