If you haven't checked new items, I'm happy to announce the California Variegated Mutant Sampler ... it has an ounce each of natural heathery CVM Top just back from Zeilinger's, rich brown CVM/Mahogany (my own llama!) 70/30 roving just back from Stonehedge, Three Bags Full's own Carnations From Steve ~ a CVM/silk/silk noil blend, and just back from Morro, delightful pin-drafted natural grey CVM roving (only available in the sampler!).
Also I've restocked Natalie Spindles (wheee) and the favorite miniature sock blockers, in baltic plywood and exotics.

For those of you who missed the first round of Ring Your Bells! The Bellwether's Fabulous Fiber Club, I'm happy to let you know that I've checked inventory, talked to Joan about fiber, and will be able to open 8 more slots Monday April 21st for the four months remaining in the first club session. They'll be available on the website Monday at 9 a.m. Pacific Time. Details should be available there later today. We've had great fun with the first month, and I've just shipped out the second month to the current members - yay!
If you haven't checked out the Felting section, be sure to see the great kits from Crosspatch Creations and The Bellwether! For Needlefelters, Machine felters, Crocheters, and more!

Stay updated -- subscribe to the whole blog for regular spinning tips and news, SpinTips for links to spinning tips I find on the internet, or Bellefeathers for the Bellefeathers newsletter (for Bellefeathers by email use this link). Thanks, and happy spinning and felting!