AmeliaThe absolute highlight of my round of NwRSA classes was when a participant said "that was worth the price of admission" on one of the spindling techniques about halfway through Productive Spindling. She was thrilled! So was I! It really brightened all my classes for the weekend.

Next up was a very color-filled weekend at the CSMSA 2009 convention (that's Circular Sock Machine Society of America). I had a round of dye classes planned, and we all had much colorful fun, as you can see in my
flickr set CSMSA 2009.

However, the days were even more colorful than planned ... the delightful Helga shared her ball dyeing with us!
You guessed it -- that was my "worth the price of admission" moment.

Helga has outlined the steps for this on her blog, ansichtsachen (no longer active). Oh yeah -- Helga's German :-) the blog starts in German, the second half of each entry is in English.
Here you see my ball, after all the dye was in and it was set. We set our dyes using my dye microwave. I was worried about my usual 2 on/2 off/2 on/2 off/2 on not being quite enough for this tightly wound ball, so I added an extra 2 off/2 on at the end -- everyones' ball rinsed cleanly, so it worked!

Here's my yarn, skeined. You can see it's fairly white -- all of that was on the inside. Actually, there isn't much white. My second ball (who could resist? not me) was much richer color inside to out, and some of Helga's students got thorough coverage the first time out. The trick is, not to be afraid of the dye. Go for it, and have fun!

posted 13 June 2009 at