I've been walking on air lately with the release of my third (yep, third!) book, Productive Spindling.
The question that comes up most is, what is in the book. My Productive Spindling class is a hands-on version of the book, and the blurb tells a good story, but you may find the Table of Contents satisfies your curiousity even more (click for bigger):

Productive Spindling is available from these fine retailers:
- The Bellwether - that would be me - in Washington
- Journey Wheel, home of Bosworth Spindles in Massachusetts
- The Wheel Thing, a terrific spindle emporium, in Connecticut
- Custom Handweaving -- look for Nancy at California area shows!
- Spinning Loft with the amazing wall of fleece and spinners' sleepovers, in Michigan
- The Yarn Source in Canada -- see them at a variety of Canada shows
- SpinSpiration in Sweden! woot!
- Knotty by Nature Fibre Arts in Victoria, Canada (our newest retailer!)
- and the book is now showing up on Amazon and at other retailers via Unicorn, so be sure to check your LYS... I saw it at Halcyon Yarn and The Woolery just the other day!
- I'm told (Oct. 18) that the book is now available at Scottish Fibres in the United Kingdom -- which is really cool because they're a cool shop I've ordered stuff from myself!
The retailers cover many shows I'm not able to reach, so if you want the book in your hands before you put down your $18 (or if you want to skip the shipping costs!), be sure to look for one of us at a show in your area.
Productive Spindling is available wholesale from me and also from Unicorn Books.

And second, the ever popular Spindling: The Basics, which has been 80% folded into Productive Spindling -- the not-directly-spinning topics were left out, as they are available in similar form on my blog, and I wanted to keep Productive Spindling focused. Spindling: The Basics will remain available until it too is out of print, and is still used in my basic Learn To Spin kits.
And, if you like back stories and have a Ravelry account, you can see some of the development of Productive Spindling on this thread in Follow The Bellwether, and with my initial announcement of its availability here.
posted 14 July 2009 at http://askthebellwether.blogspot.com/ updated 15 September 2009 with additional retailers